Beginner 1

A fun workbook for studying alone or with partners. This book contains many lists of words and common phrases with examples of simple dialogues. It also includes many types of practice with a systematic structure that will help you to memorize and use the words and phrases when you are out and about.
The goal of this first book is to assist you to be able to have day-to-day casual conversations using common phrases and simple sentences.
This book is good for complete beginners or even for an intermediate level to review and refresh your memory.
There is an answer key for every practice and a dictionary of all the words and phrases that you find in this book
Enjoy your studying – Selamat Belajar!

Flash Card for Beginner 1

Note: The download will include these files:

  • 1 pdf-format file: Beginner 1 lesson book
  • 10 zip-format files for 10 lessons: Contain Audio files for each lesson
  • 1 zip-format file: Audio file for Test
  • 1 zip-format file: Audio file for Review Page
  • 1 word-format file: Text file for Beginner 1 Audio Answer key